Being able to tap into the app world on mobile devices isn’t something that is strictly limited to neurotypical users. Those with autism can find various apps quite helpful for personal and social development as a whole regardless of their age. Being that it is such a common condition around the world, various developers have been able to offer regional inputs into issues affecting autistic individuals in those particular areas. However, there are issues that affect autistic individuals as a general rule as well.
Many of those with autism will usually have issues relating to social interaction, repetitive behaviours, and various levels of communication. By using mobile apps, those who are affected by the disorder will be able to learn these skills in their own space and time without direct influence from those around them. There’s understandably quite a bit of different apps to meet these particular needs and it will take time for those seeking personal improvement to find the right package for them, but those with autism will likely find the following apps useful in their individual journeys:
The idea of turning life into a video game holds a special appeal to many individuals with autism and this is something that’s taught in early childhood, which usually carries through into adulthood. HabitRPG turns an individual’s life into a daily checklist and allows players to track their daily habits with elements that bear resemblance to a typical roleplaying game. Individuals can set tasks related to their daily routine and will receive experience points for completing these tasks, which goes towards levelling up their on-screen avatar character. It is actually a surprisingly easy way of getting things done when it comes to routine and mundane tasks that even the most careful and precise of us forget from time to time.
It is important to only put those habits that are truly habit-formed in the beginning since failure to complete a habit will cause the player’s character to sustain damage. It is an excellent way to help foster good, healthy lifestyle habits going forward but it is a poor choice for the very beginning of the game where a fledgeling character can quickly decrease in their standing because of failure to complete habits entered with good intentions such as going to the gym or preparing a healthy meal.
I Can’t Wake Up!
Sleep inertia is something that tends to affect autistic individuals and makes the waking experience a difficult one. Alarm clocks can do their jobs effectively, but it becomes a useless tool when the snooze button is hit repeatedly and people drift back off to sleep. I Can’t Wake Up! solves this issue by having various puzzles, math equations, and patterns to complete before the alarm will deactivate. This effectively forces the mind to engage with what’s happening in order to successfully deactivate the alarm. It’s far more likely that those who find themselves overly tired and brain foggy in the morning will actually wake up using this app because of the requirement to solve various puzzles before disabling the alarm. This added time to come to terms with waking up can be the difference between falling back to sleep or actually getting out of bed to start the day.
Steven from www.sellmyphone.co.uk isn’t on the spectrum but uses the app daily to help him wake up. He says by being forced to solve puzzles to shut off the alarm, I can’t simply press the deactivate button in hopes that I’ll get up. My mind actually has to do something to stop it! This makes it far more likely that he’ll wake up and be in time for his early morning meetings.
Public transportation is something that many autistic individuals struggle with. Whether it is the communication involved with the bus driver or the general sensory overload of travelling in the presence of the general public on a large vehicle, it can be difficult for those with autism to successfully get around without the help of others. Individuals with ASD in various countries around the world may find themselves disqualified from driving because of the condition as well. This is where Lyft comes into play.
Lyft allows people who don’t drive or aren’t able to drive for themselves to have access to transportation. By connecting with local drivers on a more personal basis, those with autism may find the experience more relaxed and make a very functional difference in their lives.
Charges will apply for using Lyft, so it’s important to understand the financial implications of using this app prior to entering a driver’s vehicle. It is also important to exercise good health and safety precautions when using the app. It is important to feel as comfortable as possible with your driver and trust their ability to get individuals from point A to B.
It’s easy to see that by adding a few simple apps, individuals with autism can live a far better quality of life. Mobile technology is something that is rapidly evolving on a regular basis and now even those who are affected by health issues can enjoy more of the wider world around them and interact with it far differently than they may have in the past. It’s time for those who are affected to consider living their best life today.